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How to Get The Engagement Ring You Want

There are several ways to ensure you get the engagement ring you want and the first and most effective is to trust the dealer. Check out their reputation, experience and history. Ask around and get referrals from friends who are happy. Are they the best in the industry?  What is their after-sales service like and what does their warranty cover? Do they do repairs locally or is it sent away, and how long does it take to get something adjusted or fixed? The question of trust is vital when buying such an important piece of jewellery as an engagement ring.

In terms of designing the engagement ring you want, it is paramount that the designer is well-credentialed and experienced, as well as willing to listen to what you want. Effective communication and having a good rapport with the person designing your engagement ring is essential in ensuring you get the engagement ring you want. DDS Diamond Design Studios has won many awards for the design and manufacture of bridal rings both locally and nationally. These awards are voted by customers.

What also helps with getting the engagement ring you want is having a basic idea of what you want. Viewing images of rings on-line and in magazines can be useful. You might begin to imagine what you would or wouldn’t be happy to wear on your finger for the rest of your life. Observing what other people are wearing is another way of fine-tuning what you are looking for in a ring. You may not be able to see the detail but it could give you an idea of the general design and size of diamond that you like.

Another important step in purchasing the engagement ring you want, and will be happy with, is knowing about quality. There are many stark differences between high and low quality jewellery. Lower quality jewellery may appeal to the eye and look like what you want in the shop window, but after wearing for a short time, the reality of a low quality engagement ring will become evident.

Conversely, high quality jewellery, especially when manufactured by hand, will last for generations if looked after. The gold is hardened and the individual components are far superior to typical retail jewellery. The gold will hold a high polish for longer and overall the ring, including the diamonds, will be more durable.

DDS offers a life time warranty as well as an on-going free cleaning service. Any repairs or adjustments, which are done in-house, can usually be done on the same day or within a few days. This is good news for women who do not like to be without their engagement ring or wedding ring for extended periods.

The team at DDS consists of highly experienced, award-winning goldsmiths, designers and gemmologists. The service is impeccable and customers are guaranteed one-on-one private consultations. Customer satisfaction is our main objective and DDS works hard to ensure you get the engagement ring you want.

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