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How To Get The Best Value For Money

With wedding rings and engagement rings, value for money is not just about looking at the best price. The value of an item is made up of its materials, quality, integrity and affordability.

DDS Diamond Design Studios imports diamonds directly from the cutting factories, circumventing the middle men, and passing on the savings to our customers. Direct diamond sales means we are purchasing brand new diamonds which have just come on to the market, and usually never before been seen by other customers.   

Wedding and engagement rings that are worn every day for life, and last the distance, can be classified as the best value for money. Handmade engagement rings are work-hardened and made to last. As the gold is harder it is durable and resilient over time and if claws get damaged – unlike cast rings – they can be fixed.  This reflects serviceability and maintenance. Handmade rings can be serviced because they have been made from quality components and assembled using hard solder. Repairs and alterations can be made if required.

Compare this to a deteriorated cast ring which is difficult, if not impossible, to repair. When cast pieces are put together they are soldered with easy-soft solder, so when repairs are done there is a very real chance the ring will literally fall apart.  Unfortunately, many stores that sell cast rings cannot or do not repair the jewellery they sell. If it is under warranty, the vendor usually opts to replace the ring, because they know it cannot be repaired satisfactorily.

Because DDS showrooms are in a residential setting, retail shopfront rents and associated costs are not built in to the price of the items we sell, which makes our manufactured jewellery even more affordable.     

If you are looking for the best value for money engagement ring in Adelaide, please give DDS Diamond Design Studios a call to make an appointment, view our full collection of engagement rings, and sit down with a designer to custom make your ring.

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