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What really are Diamonds and How are they Formed?

How Are Diamonds Formed in the Earth?

Diamonds originate deep within the Earth’s mantle, where carbon atoms undergo a remarkable transformation. Over millions of years, extreme heat (1,300 to 2,200 degrees Celsius) and pressure (140 to 190 kilometres below the Earth’s surface) cause these carbon atoms to crystallize into diamond structures. The process involves the conversion of carbon atoms from their typical arrangement into a unique crystal lattice structure, which gives diamonds their exceptional hardness and brilliance.

How Do Diamonds Reach the Surface?

Diamonds make their way to the Earth’s surface through volcanic activity. Volcanic pipes or fissures serve as natural conduits, pushing diamond-bearing rocks upward from the mantle. As these rocks approach the surface, they are exposed to weathering and erosion processes. Natural elements like rain, wind, and geological forces gradually break down the rocks, freeing the diamonds they contain.

Where are diamonds commonly found once they reach the Earth’s surface?

Diamonds are often discovered in alluvial deposits, typically located in riverbeds and similar environments. These deposits are formed as diamonds are carried by rivers and streams during the erosion process. Miners often search for diamonds in these alluvial settings.

How Are Diamond Mines Located?

The discovery of diamond mines involves a meticulous process of geological exploration. Geologists play a critical role in identifying potential mining locations. They conduct geological surveys to pinpoint regions with geological features associated with diamond formation, such as ancient volcanic pipes and kimberlite formations.

How can you tell if there are diamonds in an area?

Once a potential area is identified, geologists employ a combination of methods, including remote sensing and mineral analysis. They utilize satellite imagery and airborne geophysical surveys to detect potential diamond-bearing regions based on geological indicators. Additionally, geologists analyse soil and rock samples for indicator minerals like garnets, chromite, and ilmenite, which often co-occur with diamonds. To conclusively confirm the presence of diamond deposits, exploratory drilling is carried out to extract core samples from the Earth’s crust. These samples are rigorously analysed to assess the presence and quality of diamonds and their host rocks.

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